My Background (1/1)

Hello everyone!

My name's Becca, and I'm in the MA in Art Education with Initial Certification program. I'm completing the program full time, and this is the second semester of my first year. Last spring, I graduated from the University of Michigan where I got my BA in Art & Design with a minor in museum studies. Our program didn't have the option of declaring a specific medium as your major within the art school, so we all got a foundational program and could then narrow down our coursework to pursue more specific interests as upperclassmen. During my freshman year of undergrad, I had a 4D foundations class which introduced us to audio recording and editing, stop motion animation, and the program Final Cut Pro. The following year, I took an Intro to Cinematography class, which I really enjoyed. We learned the basics of using a video camera but also got into more complex features of editing in our final project where we had to make a split screen and interact with ourself in the video.

Clip of "Dancing with Myself"

I also gained some experience in rotoscoping and digital illustration with Photoshop. Throughout the rest of my undergrad, my focus was in oil painting, but I also would used Photoshop a lot to manipulate images to use as references for my paintings.

My oil paintings based off photoshop-edited collages

Since coming to TC, I took Sohee's Sculpture as Making course. In this course we focused on combining traditional and digital media and were encouraged to combine multiple processes and materials for our projects. We learned how to use the digital embroidery machine, the 3D printer, and the laser cutter. I found the laser cutter to be the process I enjoyed most because of the crisp details and etchings I could create with it. For my class projects, I used the laser cutter on balsa wood and in my first piece combined it with plaster as a traditional material.
"Windy City" - a laser cut book

"Paused Collapse" - balsa wood, plaster, super glue

I'm looking forward to learning more about new media, specifically creative coding, and how to use it in my classroom when I teach!


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