The Tech Museum of Innovation: Interactive Technology (1/3)

The Tech Museum of Innovation is an interactive science and technology museum located in San Jose, California. Part of the mission of the museum is to allow visitors to use technology creatively to become innovators. The museum specializes in interactive technology to encourage visitors to participate in the exhibits and learn by doing. This technology includes video, virtual reality, touch screens, and wearable technology. The exhibits the museum holds teach visitors about contemporary topics and issues in science while using this technology to make learning more engaging. For example, for an exhibit called Body Worlds, the museum has a 3D virtual dissection table that some of the top medical schools use to help visually learn about the inside of the human body. Another exhibit, Reboot Reality, allows visitors to explore some of the latest technologies of virtual reality and augmented reality by creating a 3D virtual painting or immersing themselves in a virtual reality world.

The museum also holds workshops and activities in its Tech Studio, a collaborative design space where students and children can practice problem solving in STEAM activities. 

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